Elder Arnoczky has indeed been transferred to Weiser, Idaho. His living conditions are much better than before as he no longer sleeps on a basement floor and there are only 2 Elders in the small house which, coincidentally, happens to be right next to a gas station.
During his second week in Weiser, Derek participated in a odd service project with the Payette, ID Elders in their area. He’s not sure who the benefactor was or why the elders would be helping with something like this, but he did it anyway. This ‘service project’ consisted of catching a chicken, holding it like a football in his arm and killing it by snapping its neck and then plucking the feathers out. It made him sick for at least a week afterwards.
On P-day this week, he went hiking in the mountains for the first time on Indian Head Mountain with his companion, Elder Claridge and a ward mission leader. Derek loves hiking and he said he thoroughly enjoyed that experience. Hopefully he took pictures and sends them home so we can share with all of you.
Elder Arnoczky and his companion currently have 20 investigators so he has basically been teaching all day every day. They don’t get to teach their investigators once/week because there just isn’t enough time. He said it is very tiring…….but he LOVES it!
Here is an excerpt from this week’s very small email from Derek:
“We had a really powerful lesson with an investigator. We had him pray about baptism, and after we talked to him he was still hesitant, but we had him set a goal date, and set it for Dec 4th and he said he knows he can be ready by then. We're also getting really close with some other investigators. Before both of us got transferred here, President Cannon told us that there was a lot of potential and he felt good about us up here. And now we are able to see what he meant because there is a lot of progressing happening.”
Please keep writing to Elder Arnoczky or send him a Thanksgiving card. He REALLY appreciates hearing from all of you but lately he just doesn’t have the time (or the mental energy) to write back right away. Receiving cards or letters from home is something he looks forward to every week.